Tuesday, December 28, 2010

$5 off KAM Pliers for Plastic Snaps

We're starting the new year off by offering a $5 off coupon for our regularly-priced pliers, with or without snaps. Use coupon code 5PLIERS at checkout. Valid for the first 50 customers. Limit 1 per customer. Cannot be applied retroactively to previous purchases or combined with other coupons. Coupon is valid only on our regularly-priced pliers, not for the cosmetic defect ones since those are already on sale.

Regularly-priced pliers: http://www.kamsnaps.com/Pliers-for-Plastic-Snaps-p116.html. Just pliers normally $27, with coupon only $22. Pliers with 200 snaps normally $34.95, with coupon only $29.95. And all US orders of at least $28 still ship free!

And we still have a limited supply of pliers with a minor and fixable cosmetic defect. These pliers come with 400 snaps (and free US shipping) for just $34.95, which is $10 off the regular price . http://www.kamsnaps.com/Pliers-for-Plastic-Snaps/Pliers-for-Plastic-Snaps-COSMETIC-DEFECT-p150.html