If color is not important to you, we have a great deal on 1,000 mismatched sets of size 20 KAM snaps. Plus, for every quantity sold, we'll donate an equal amount to Days for Girls.
DFG is a non-profit organization comprising of generous volunteers who make feminine kits (like mama pads) and distribute them to girls and women in impoverished areas around the world. These kits allow those girls and women to continue with school and work, rather than having to stay home during their monthly Aunt Flow visits. Imagine not being able to continue with your education or support your family for lack of menstrual pads!
If you have some basic sewing skills and would like to get involved, visit their website www.daysforgirls.org.
To purchase non-matching snaps, visit KAMsnaps.com. You can also purchase them to donate to DFG. Just leave a note at checkout requesting that we ship the snaps directly to DFG.
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