Thursday, April 14, 2011

Discounted Plastic Snaps for Charities

We will soon be introducing a new program for non-profits who utilize our plastic snaps. Non-profits can purchase 100 complete sets of plastic snaps engraved with the logo in size 20 white and black, and size 16 white for just $3.50 (normally $5).

Those wishing to support these non-profits can also purchase snaps to be donated to the non-profit(s) of their choice. When you make such a donation purchase, we will send the non-profit a gift certificate for that amount which they can apply to these snaps.

Participation in this program is limited to those non-profits that have applied. Space may be limited. If you are part of a non-profit which would like to participate in this program, please send us an email at sales @ (remove the spaces). Please provide the following information:

- a brief description of your cause and goals
- a website where people can go to learn more about your organization
- your shipping address
- your 501(c)(3) tax-exempt federal identification number. If you do not have one, please note so and we may request additional information.

We wish all you volunteers who serve to improve the greater community the best of luck in your endeavors.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You guys are great. This will help me and other volunteers when we need to purchase more snaps for the pads we sew for Days for Girls. I'm sure they will be applying soon to be on your list.
