Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Snap Placement Template for Diaper Conversion

A big thank you to Bella of Musings of an Organic Mama Squirrel for providing this template. Click here to view the complete post on the Mama Squirrel blog.

1 comment:

  1. If you want your converted diapers to look just like a 4.0 BGOS, do the following...

    1. Click on the template
    2. Go to File & Print Preview
    3. Change vertical to horizontal page
    4. Change shrink-to-fit to custom
    5. Type in custom size 180%
    6. Move top margins to edge of page
    7. Print
    8. Check spacing - one inch from the center of one dot to center of the next.
    9. Draw the other half of the last two dots (should be 20 dots total)
