Saturday, March 27, 2010

gDiaper Snap Conversion Tutorial Posted

Thanks to Janell for allowing us to post your tute!

Just click on the Tutorials link on the top menu bar of our website at to access all our tutorials. So far we've got:

- Product instructions, including troubleshooting and removing snaps

- Cloth diaper snap conversion

- How to make wallets & a cell phone cozy

More coming soon. If you have a snap-related tutorial, please email it to us for a chance to earn a $15 gift certificate. More details here:

Snap of the Week: B15 Dusty Rose Size 20 Glossy

50% off this week only (starting March 28), B15 Dusty Rose in size 20 glossy. Just $2.50 for 100 complete sets.

Friday, March 26, 2010

A New Facebook Fan Winner to be Announced

Our original Facebook fan winner of the $20 gift cert to our store has generously offered her prize to somebody else! So we will be randomly picking another winner among our Facebook fans on Monday. The winner will have 48 hours to claim the prize, so all you Facebookers, be sure to check in on Monday.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

And the Facebook Fan Giveaway Winner is

Donna Sustaita! Ms. Donna, please send us an email within 48 hours to claim your $20 gift certificate to our store. sales (at) kamsnaps (dot) com. Congratulations!

Keep your eyes and ears open for our next giveaway. And hey, you might want to sign up for blog emails (just enter your email in the right column there and click Subscribe) to get the latest news as we post them.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Facebook Fan Winner to be Announced Tomorrow

Now that we have exceeded over 200 fans on Facebook, we will hold a drawing and award one lucky Facebook fan a $20 gift certificate to our store. Here's how it'll work:

We will use the True Random Number Generator at and enter the number of fans we have on Facebook at the time of the drawing (currently, there are 225 fans). The Number Generator will randomly select a number between 1 and the number of fans we have (again, currently 225).

We will then go to Facebook and click on the See All link in the Fans box. This will pull up a complete list of all our Facebook fans. We will take the number generated by and count down the list of fans until we reach that number. For example, if the number is 5, then we will pick the 5th fan on the list.

The winner will be posted on this blog as well as on Facebook and will have 48 hours to contact us to claim his/her prize. If the winner does not contact us within 48 hours, we will select another winner.

Good luck!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Perfectly Fitting Size 20 & 16 Dies for Pliers

Soon to be available, new cap dies for our pliers that fit size 20 caps perfectly. No more having to manually center the snap. With the new die, the snap is already perfectly centered for you, giving you the best results each and every time (as long as you apply enough pressure and are using the correct snaps for your fabric).

The head of the new die is also higher, which means it'll be somewhat easier to flatten the prong on the cap. Of course, the flip side is that there will be less clearance for long prong caps, but you can always use the old-style die for that.

We'll also have new dies that perfectly fit size 16 caps as well.

And finally, a new pressing head with slightly more height, in conjunction with the new size 16 cap die, will allow you to also use your pliers to apply size 14 snaps as well (previously, only size 14 long prong caps could be applied with consistent results).

We hope to get a limited supply of these new style dies and rubbers in a few weeks. Supply may be very limited in the beginning so if there isn't enough to go around, we will give priority to those who have left product reviews for the pliers on our website, in the order received. Additionally, reviewers who purchase these early will receive a special price -- just $2 for all 3 parts (size 20 cap die, size 16 cap die, and rubber head).

So if you're interested in getting these sooner rather than later, be sure to reserve your set by writing a review of the pliers. To write your review, go to the Pliers product page, scroll to the bottom and click on Add a Review. Be sure to include your email address at the end of your review so we can identify you (your email will be deleted if your review is made public).

Don't forget that we will also randomly pick 3 reviewers to receive a 10% off coupon to our store. We'll also select 3 of the most informative reviews to receive a 15% off coupon. Read the full details here.

$999 Shipping Glitch on Google Checkout

If you place an order on our website and use Google Checkout, every once in a while you may come across $999 as the shipping charge. Google Checkout defaults to $999 when the server is too slow and doesn't connect to our website within 3 seconds. This is a back-end issue which we have no control over.

However, if it does happen to you, just go back to your Shopping Cart page (you can do this by clicking on the Edit Order link on the Google Checkout page, located on the right hand side just above the Price column -- or simply click on the Back button of your browser).

Once back on the Shopping Cart page, click on the Google Checkout button to try again. Since connection usually does happen sooner than the 3 seconds allotted, you shouldn't see the $999 anymore. But if the problem does persist, please select another payment method by going back to your Shopping Cart and clicking on the plain Checkout button.

We did try to change the Google Checkout default amount to more accurately reflect what real shipping should be, but we have been told that $999 still sometimes shows up. This is a glitch that is difficult for us to correct because it only happens on chance occasions when the server is slow so we haven't been able to duplicate the problem on command.

If this should happen to you, we apologize for any inconvenience.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Newly Arrived Items

Previously backordered, now back in stock:
  • Size 20: B16 royal blue, F Candy Pink, F Sage
  • Size 20 Long: B16 royal blue, B18 pastel pink
  • Size 16: B5 black matte
  • Size 14: B3 white
  • Size 24: B22 ivory
  • Pacifier Clips
New item:
  • Pronged Stud (for double-sided snaps): B22 ivory
If your recent order was missing any of the items above, we have already shipped the missing items out to you today so you should receive them shortly. Thank you for your patience!

Facebook Giveaway this Week!

We've acquired over 200 Facebook fans so will be holding a drawing for a $20 KAMsnaps gift cert sometime this week. Stay tuned, and if you haven't become a Facebook Fan, you still have a little time to sign up before the drawing.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Snap of the Week: B25 Tan Size 20 Glossy

50% off, so just $2.50 for 100 complete sets. Or buy a set of just 1 part for 88 cents. Expires March 27, unless supply runs out sooner.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

F Burgundy to be Discontinued?

We are almost sold out of F Burgundy snaps, which were matched to Fabrite's burgundy PUL. Unless there are a lot of people interested in this color, we plan to discontinue it. If you would like us to keep it, please either comment here or drop us an email to let us know.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How to Make a Wallet Tutorials Posted

Click on the Tutorials link on the top menu bar of our website, or just go to:

Easy Peasy Wallet

Slotted Wallet

Cell Phone Holder (coming soon)

Thank you to Cheyanne, BettyAnn, and Lara for providing these great tutorials. They've each earned a $15 gift certificate to our store.

Don't forget to check out our previous tutorial submissions showing how to convert aplix on bumGenius diapers to snaps, and how to convert a medium BG to a medium/small.

Please submit your snap-related tutorials (written or video form) for your chance to earn a $15 gift certificate to our store. Full details here.

Monday, March 15, 2010

$20 Gift Certificate Giveaway on Facebook

Our Facebook page currently has 147 fans. Once we reach 200, we'll hold a drawing and award a $20 gift certificate to one lucky fan!

Join us on Facebook here:

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Write a review & earn a 10% coupon

Have one of our presses or pliers? We'd like to hear your feedback. If you love them, why? How long have you had them? What are the best features, what do you use them for, how often? What problems have you experienced? The more specific the better.

Once we've accumulated enough reviews, we will end the contest and randomly select 3 reviewers. A 10% off coupon will be awarded to each winner. We will also select 3 of what we consider to be the most helpful and informative reviews and award a 15% off coupon to the writer of each. Only 1 review per person allowed. Multiple reviews by the same person will be disqualified.

You can write your review anonymously. However, we can only select winners who we can contact, so if you would like a chance to win, you must include your email address at the end of your review (in the Review box--do not include any personal contact info in the Name box.) See example below. To write a review, just go to either the press product page or the pliers product page and scroll near the bottom until you see the box for Add Review.

Some, but not all, reviews may be published on our website, but we will remove your email address before doing so. Your email will never be shared. Winners' first names and last initials will be posted on our website.

Now offering cap samples of our custom colors

Purchasing a KAM color card is a quick and handy way to see all 60 basic KAM snap colors. However, the color cards don't include our ever-increasing line of custom colors. So every few weeks, we'll offer a free sample cap in one of our custom colors. Collect them all! You can even make your own color card by attaching each cap onto an index card or piece of cardboard, using a socket on the other side to hold it in place--just don't forget to label each color. We will rotate the colors offered, so if you miss any, just wait until they come around again.

matches Fabrite's Lavender PUL

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Get 100 more plastic snaps with the pliers or press add-on

* * * EXPIRED * * *

For a limited time, we're offering 100 more snap sets when you purchase a pliers kit or complete press plastic snap add-on*! That means with the pliers, you'll now get 300 snaps (100 in any 3 colors) when you order the complete kit. For the press plastic snap add-on, you'll still have the choice of ordering 1000 white snaps but now when you select different colors, you'll get 500 snaps (100 in any 5 colors).

Expires March 27, unless supplies run out sooner. Offer applies to new orders only.

* For press, additional snaps apply only to the plastic snap add-on and when you select different snap colors. Does not apply when you select 1000 white snaps or to the metal snap add-on.

bumGenius Snap Conversion tutorials now available

If the aplix on your bumGenius diapers is getting old and worn out or your toddler has learned to undo the velcro, you can easily convert the diaper to a snap closure. These tutorials detail how to create 1 row or 2 rows of snaps, as well as how to convert a medium sized diaper into a medium/small.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Share your snap tutorial for a chance to earn a gift certificate

We know you creative snappers are out there. Please share with us your tutorials on how you use your snaps, press, or pliers. Did you convert your hand press to a foot press? Did you mount your snap pliers? If so, show us how! How do you make snap-on pacifier ribbon clips? Or use snaps on curtains, pads, towels? You get the idea. Be creative!

Tutorials can be in written-with-photos format or in YouTube video format. Clear, concise, easy-to-follow and step-by-step instructions should be included in each tutorial. If we post your tutorial on our website, we will credit your name and website if desired. We will also issue a $15 gift certificate for each tutorial posted. An additional $10 bonus gift certificate (for a total of $25) will be given to selected tutorials.

By submitting your tutorial, you are granting permission to use your photos, writing, and/or videos on our website. There is no official deadline for submissions as we are always interested to learn how you use your snaps. However, earlier submissions for the same tutorial will have a better chance of being used on our website.