Tuesday, September 8, 2020

gDiaper Snap Conversion


If the aplix on your gDiaper diapers is getting old and worn out or your toddler has learned to undo the velcro, you can easily convert the diaper to a snap closure.

AnchorgDiaper Snap Conversion

Tutorial below provided by Janell

First you need to remove all the velcro from your gDiapers. Two flaps for the snap-in liner will come off as well, so keep those in a safe spot. 



Now that the velcro is off,  you need to sew down the corners that were originally stitched down with the same thread as the velcro, and sew on the tabs for the plastic liner.

I am using white thread, because I plan to dye these and therefore the white stitching won't show. If you plan to keep your gPant the same color, you may want to buy thread that matches it.

Once everything is stitched down, you need to make your marks. Measuring is very crucial here. If you don't measure correctly, your snaps will not line up.

I started 1/2" from the edge, which is right where the folded section ends. I then placed them every inch thereafter. They are all placed exactly in the center of the waistband.

Now you need to begin applying snaps. You can see pieces sticking through the pant. I am holding the piece so you can see what it looks like.

On this gPant, I am doing it on the reverse side of where the velcro was. I wanted to try out something different, so I made a pair with the snaps in different spots to see what I like the best.

Snaps are NOT EASY TO REMOVE, so be sure you are putting them on the correct side before you place them.

Once the snaps are in place, you need to press them to secure them to the fabric.

Here is my gPant.

Remember, yours will look reversed because mine are on backwards. Pay special attention to where your velcro was and place the connecting ends of the snap where the velcro was placed.

I put 5 snaps per side on my first set, and my baby is too big for that, so my second set has just 4 snaps per side. 4 snaps per side, spaced 1 inch apart is pretty much in line to where the gDiaper velcro was placed. If doing 4 snaps per side, you would need 16 snaps per gPant. You get 200 with your pliers so you can do 12 1/2 pairs with your kamsnaps.com
plier starter kit.

Here are the two pairs I did.

The pair on the Left is my altered pair. The band goes inside instead of outside like a traditional gPant. The pair on the Right is the pair I did exactly how gPants are worn. I did place snaps in the center, but there is no way that would fit. If it did, the baby would need to go a size down on gDiapers.

Side View

On the baby (I don't think I feed her enough).

I just snap the first snap, then roll her over to do the rest.

 She was so happy to have on a new diaper, she couldn't stay still!

AnchorgDiaper Snap Conversion - Video

Tutorial below provided by Jan

Free Snap Template for Diapers


AnchorFree Snap Template

Template provided by Bella of Musings of an Organic Mama Squirrel

Click to enlarge.

Extending the Handle of your KAM Snap Press


(A big thank you to one very creative customer for sharing this quick and simple way of reducing the manual force necessary to push down on the press.)

For people who have difficulty exerting the pressure needed to operate the snap press, you can attach a wooden extension to the lever, doubling its length. This, in turn, halves the force that needs to be exerted to operate it.

You can also attach a wooden bench that extends towards the back of the lever to keep the front of the press from popping up when you press the lever down.  You wouldn’t need this if your press is bolted to a table or workbench.


The bolt closest to the press body is actually right under the handle. The bolt out at the end of the lever is through the existing hole in the handle. 


How to Make a Diaper Cover and Snap-In Soaker


How to Make a Wool AI2 Diaper Cover

Tutorial below provided by Bella of Musings of an Organic Mama Squirrel

Since wool is naturally waterproof and its not made from plastic (PUL), it seemed like a great natural alternative to the traditional diaper covers. Wool covers are pretty pricey generally so I thought I could make it myself

3/4 yard of outer diaper fabric (I used wool)
20 inches of elastic (1/4 inch)
thread matching the fabric
22 sockets, 4 studs and 26 caps snaps (size 20) matching fabric color
2 sockets, 2 studs, 4 caps (size 20 or size 16) in white
pins, scissors, pen, awl, KAM snap pliers

Step 1:
Make the template for the diaper. I used a GroBaby shell for my template but you can use your favorite diaper cover, or use a template found online. (
Ottobre has a free pattern).

Cut the pattern out and pin it to your fabric. I cut out two copies out of the fabric so the cover would be two sided and the snaps wouldn't touch the baby's skin. To make sure the diaper is even make sure to cut the diaper lengthwise with the fabric fold in the middle.

This is what my cut out fabric looked like:

Step 2:
Use the template found
here or make your own for the snaps. I spaced the snaps 3/4 of an inch apart.

Then using an awl punch holes where the snaps should go in the paper. Placing the template on top of the diaper, mark where the snaps should go with the pen. Then use the awl to punch a hole where the markings on the diaper are.

Use the sockets and caps and with the pliers attach them to the diaper. Be careful to make sure each snap is well centered (it's easiest when you do this with the pliers resting on the floor) otherwise it won't snap when the diaper is finished. The final product should look like this:

Step 3:
If you are making a two-ply diaper, pin the snapped fabric to the unsnapped fabric piece such that the caps are facing outward. Then stitch around the front of the diaper, but only as far as the edges shown in the image below (not past where the elastic will go).

This is so that we can insert snaps for the snap in soakers - you can skip this step if you don't want a snap-in soaker.

The final product when you turn the fabric inside out should look like this with a nice trim on the outside.

Step 4:
Once you turn the diaper right side out, create a template to with two snaps about 2 inches apart and mark it on the diaper (on the side opposite from the snaps but towards the front of the diaper - about 4 inches down). I used size 16 snaps but upon further reflection it might be better to use larger size 20 snaps so they're more secure when snapping the soaker in and out.


In the end you'll have something like this. Notice that the front of the diaper now has lots of snaps on one side and two smaller snaps on the inside with the back of the diaper not yet stitched.


Step 5:
Turn the diaper inside out again and stitch the rest of it around the edge of the diaper except for the top of the diaper. The image below shows all the stitching. Note that there's no stitching on one of the flaps on the upper part of the diaper (so we can turn the diaper right side out again.)


Step 6:
Attach 6 inch pieces of elastic at two places on the diaper. This should span about a foot along the diaper. Attach a 5 inch piece of elastic at the back of the diaper as well.

Step 7:
Turn the diaper inside out and pin around the elastic. This will make 'tunnels' for the elastic. This is a tricky step but take your time with it. I've included several photos to show how to do this.

Step 8:
Once you've stitched around the elastics, you should see this:


Next topstitch around the flaps of the diapers to make it look neater and close up the hole we left to turn the diaper right side out.

Step 9:
Use the same template as before to put two snaps with studs on each of the flaps about an inch in from the edge. You can also put four snaps on each flap if you prefer.


Step 10:
Finally add some bling such as these adorable 'Mommy Made This' tags.

Since this is wool, you should wash by hand, wool diaper care instructions can be found here.

How to Make a Snap-In SoakerAnchor

Tutorial below provided by Bella of Musings of an Organic Mama Squirrel

This tutorial shows you how to quickly and easily make a snap in soaker for your wool AI2/Diaper Cover.

Step 1:
Make a template of the snap locations from the cover. Push the awl through the paper.

Step 2:
Fold a birdseye prefold (I used Gerbers)
with the thick part facing out and the two thinner sides folded over each other. (Note: you can use other types of fabric for the soakers such as bamboo, microfleece, terry.) 

You should prewash these before putting in snaps since they tend to shrink in the wash. Then mark the prefold using the template and a pen.

Step 3:
Snap away! Push the snaps through the 2 thinner layers of the prefold that face away from the baby.

Congratulations, you're done!  Be careful when snapping and unsnapping them from the cover, you should hold both the soaker and the cover so as not to pull the snaps out. 

bumGenius Snap Conversion


If the aplix on your bumGenius diapers is getting old and worn out or your toddler has learned to undo the velcro, you can easily convert the diaper to a snap closure.  The tutorials below detail how to create 1 row or 2 rows of snaps, as well as how to convert a medium sized diaper into a medium/small.

Shown with matching bumGenius snaps

Photo courtesy of www.convertmydiapers.com, a snap conversion service

bumGenius 1 Row Conversion

AnchorTutorial below provided by Leila Kelleher

Time: about 30 mins, faster for subsequent dipes (because of your template)

Tools: Snap pliers or press, snaps, pencil, ruler, 1 piece of paper, awl, unpicking tool of choice, scissors

Snaps: 1 row of snaps with a total of 14 sockets, 4 studs, and 18 caps. 

Here's my One-Size bumGenius, ready to go!

Using an unpicker or your preferred method of unpicking, remove the aplix at the front of the diaper. Personally, I think the best way is to break a stitch every 4-5 stitches and every single stitch where it is double stitched (top left corner). It should then just come off really easily. You'll then want to pick all the bits of loose thread off.

Next, cut the end of the tab off. This makes unpicking the tabs much easier - they will come apart. You can do a bit of manhandling here as the stretchy tabs can take more abuse (i.e. ripping the darn thing off with force, rather than carefully unpicking).


Here's the tab, all unpicked!

Now you're going to make a snap placement template for the front. This will make is much faster to do lots of BGs. You won't have to measure the placement each time! So first, trace the outside edge of the front and cut it out.

Mark your snap placement. I put them every 2cm so they are quite close together for maximum adjustability. This results in 14 sockets in the front of the diaper.  Place two snap caps on your template to check they aren't too close!

Use your awl to poke holes through your template at the snap points.

Place template over the front of the diaper and mark placement of snaps with a pencil.

Put your hand inside the pocket of the diaper and use your awl to poke holes through the front (not through the inner layer). Be very careful as your awl is sharp and you don't want holes in yourself!

Take your snap cap and place it inside the pocket of the diaper, pushing the prong out through one of the holes you made.

Place the socket over the prong.

Place snap plier (or press) over the over the outer and inner layers of the diaper, making sure the cap is centered in the die.

Note that the cap end of the pliers does not need to go through the  diaper pocket--instead the entire diaper is sandwiched between the pliers so you actually have the inner diaper fabric between the die and the cap.

In other words, your layers will go: cap die, PUL inner layer, cap, PUL outer layer, socket, upper part of plier. Press it hard!

Here is your nice, smooshed snap. Repeat for all of the holes on the front.

Go through the same steps (template, mark, poke, press) for the tabs, but this time make sure the cap prong goes through the entire tab and use studs instead of sockets.

Sit back and admire your work! 

Note: A pocket diaper was used in the above tute. If you have an AIO, you may find this link from Angie's Whim Free Diaper Patterns helpful.

AnchorbumGenius 2 Row Conversion

Tutorial below provided by Meagan

Snaps: 2 rows of snaps with a total of 24 sockets, 8 studs, and 32 caps.

I made myself a template. I have two rows of snaps on the front, all placed .75 inches apart, 12 snaps (sockets) per row. Then I decided to go ahead and do 4 snaps (studs) on each wing, .75 inches apart, so that they are harder for an older toddler to remove, and are sturdier.

AnchorUsing Free Snap Template to Match BG 4.0 Snap Placement

Template provided by Bella of Musings of an Organic Mama Squirrel

Additional instructions provided by Melissa B

Click to enlarge.

 If you want your converted diapers to have snaps spaced out just like a 4.0 BGO, do the following...  (this may not work on all browsers)

1. Click on the template above
2. Go to File & Print Preview
3. Change vertical to horizontal page
4. Change shrink-to-fit to custom
5. Type in custom size 180%
6. Move top margins to edge of page
7. Print
8. Check spacing - one inch from the center of one dot to center of the next.
9. Draw the other half of the last two dots (should be 20 dots total) 

Snap 4.0 (bubble) compared to a converted 3.0 (zinnia), 2.0 (blossom), and 1.0 (white).

AnchorSnap 4.0 blossom compared to a converted 2.0 blossom.

** A pdf template which you may find easier to use/print, provided by Old Life Redesigned, is available here.  The diaper below was made from this template.

AnchorbumGenius Size Conversion

Tutorial below provided by Tiffany

The following tutorial shows how to convert a medium bumGenius diaper to medium/small.

Snaps: 3 sockets, 3 studs, 6 caps.

I have two dozen bumGenius diapers in size medium that I can't use because no one is currently in that size. I finally decided to convert them all to snap closures and make them into two-size diapers (small and medium).

I previously had done the conversion to snap closures.

To do the small size you will need to find the center of the diaper and mark it with a pin or a dot. Measure down 2 1/2" from the top of the diaper and make a mark in the center of the diaper. Make one additional dot 2 3/8" to each side.

Make a second set of marks one inch lower on the diaper. The second set of marks can be further away to make the small a smaller size, but one inch makes it the same size as the small on bumgenius onesize diapers.

With your awl, poke holes through each mark. Insert your hand in the pocket if you need to to make sure you are only going through the PUL and not through all the layers.

With a scrap of fabric, you are going to make six dots that coincide with the dots on the cover. Mark one in the center a little way down and then one to each side at the same width you did on the cover. Use the awl and poke the holes in the scrap.

I use a scrap of PUL to reinforce the snaps so they don't rip the fabric, and it also gives it a better thickness to set the snaps.

Insert the caps into the scrap. Then put the scrap into the diaper pocket and line the prongs up with the dots on the diaper and push them through.

The PUL should hold the caps in place, but if they don't go ahead and put the studs on the top line and sockets on the bottom and push them down firmly. They should stay put then.

I put the caps on the scrap separate from the diaper because it is too hard to line up the scrap if the holes are poked through both the diaper and scrap at the same time.

Once all the caps, studs and sockets are in place use the snap pliers, and from the outside ,go around all layers of fabric and center it on the snap set. Squeeze firmly and that's it! Set the other five snap sets and you're done.

What the finished diaper looks like:

Here it is next to a bumGenius one-size diaper set on the smallest setting. Same size!

AnchorbumGenius Snap Conversion - Video

Tutorial below provided by Shery

The following tutorial shows how to convert aplix to 2 rows of snaps.