We've experienced login problems with Paypal from time to time. It's very rare but can be frustrating to say the least and detrimental to our business at worst.
"Some information you entered isn't right."
If you keep getting the above error message even though you know your login credentials are correct, here's a tip that has worked for us:
Scroll down to the bottom of the Paypal screen and click on the Contact Us link.
Enter your login info at the top corner of that page.
That seems to solve the problem for us. You can also try using mobile if you have access, but be aware there may be some features which are not supported on mobile.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
101+ Uses for KAM Snaps: Convertible Sleeping Bag
Sew Can Do has shared this tutorial for a blanket that converts into a sleeping bag using KAM snaps. This is about the most awesome My Little Pony blankie we've ever seen -- Bronies, take note!
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Metal Pacifier Clips Over 45% Off through March 31!
Larger volume metal clips (250 identical pieces) are on sale for only
$39.99. That's over 45% off through March 31. Stock up while you can because these are being discontinued.
Fantastic quality clips, tested for lead and phthalates, meets CPSIA
regulations for children's products. Great deal for pacifier clip ribbon
makers or resellers. And free US shipping on $47+! Order at KAMsnaps.com.
Friday, March 13, 2015
KAM Snaps Removal Pliers on Sale - 2 Days Only!
Snap removal pliers are 15% off for 2 days only here (be sure to check out our other specials while you're there!). These make removing KAM plastic snaps easy, safe, and fast! Watch our video:
Monday, March 9, 2015
Great Bargain on 1,000 Mismatched #20 KAM Snaps
1,000 sets in #20 MISMATCHED colors are now available while supplies
last. These are sets where the part colors don't match each other. It's a great savings (over 37% off) if you're flexible on colors. Available at KAMsnaps.com.