Earlier this month, we offered some limited edition snaps with 100% proceeds from sales to be donated to The Children's Health Fund, a non-profit organization that provides health care to the nation's most medically underserved children. With your help, we raised $1509! Thank you so much for shopping with KAMsnaps!
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Over 30% Off Engraved KAM Snaps
Engraved caps in size 20 are over 30% off, while supplies last. Breastfeeding logo snaps, firetrucks, spiders (for the Spiderman fans), treble clefs for those musically inclined, sheriff badges, maple leaves in honor of our Canadian fans, and turtles! Order here.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Up to 30% off 1000 KAM Snaps Sets
This offer is targeted towards you Days for Girls
angels, but is open to anybody interested. We're offering up to 30%
off 1000 #20 sets in select colors, while supplies last. Ideal for those
who use a lot of snaps but are flexible on colors. Available here.